Dinner & A Show: Le Beef Pop-Up and Big Trouble in Little China Movie Screening
Introducing our May Pop-Up Series: Dinner ✨AND✨ a Show
That’s right, not only do you get to eat at some of the best pop-ups around town, but we also asked each chef to share their favorite movies with us.
Join us every Monday in May, all pop-ups will start at 5pm and go until Sold Out, and all movies will start at 7pm.
Monday, May 1st
Serving: Chilly’s Phillys
Screening: 12 Monkeys
Monday, May 8th
Serving: Zee’s Wiener System
Screening: Jaws
Monday, May 15th
Serving: Le Beef
Screening: Big Trouble in Little China
Monday, May 22nd
Serving: Oye Chico
Screening: Chef